One of the longest fresh water beaches in Ontario and a great family destination for over 100 years. Take Our Survey Ipperwash Beach Survey What is your connection to Ipperwash? Member First Nations Property owner – live here year around Property owner – seasonal Property owner – I rent out my cottage Cottage owner on leased land Own trailer in seasonal campground Own trailer in year-round campground Cottage renter – short term Cottage renter – long term (90+ days a year) Day tripper How many days a year do you visit Ipperwash? 1 – 5 days 6 – 10 days 10+ days How many years have you been coming to Ipperwash? 1 – 2 years 3 – 5 years 6 – 10 years 10 years 20 + years 30 + years 40 or more years Are you a member of Centre Ipperwash Community Association (CICA)? Current member Previous member but no longer a member Never been a member Are you a member of the West Ipperwash Property Owners Association? Current Member Previous member but no longer a member Never been a member What activities do you enjoy while at Ipperwash? Day at the beach Picnic at the beach Boating Jet Skiing Windsurfer/Kitesurfer Canoe/Kayak/Paddleboard Biking Hiking Visit friends Eat at local restaurants and food stands Live music Go for ice cream Shop at local businesses Come for the sunset Where do you park at Ipperwash Beach? Park on my own property/campground Park at the cottage I’m renting Park at friends I’m visiting Park in one of the public MNR parking lots Park on the street Park on the beach How do you usually access the beach at Ipperwash? The MNR parking lots/trails Through boat access at end of West Ipperwash/Ipperwash/Army Camp Roads Through waterfront property as owner Through waterfront property as guest or renter What time of day do you typically arrive at the beach? Before 10 AM Between 10 AM and Noon Between Noon at 4PM 4PM – 8 PM After 8 PM How many people are in your party when you visit Ipperwash Beach? 1 2-3 4-5 6 or more What is your average length of stay when you visit the beach at Ipperwash? Less than 30 minutes 1 – 2 hours 2 – 4 hours 5 + hours Where do you typically sit while on the beach at Ipperwash? In front of the property I own/rent or am visiting In front of MNR parking lots Anywhere it’s convenient I only walk the beach and do no stay for an extended period of time What washroom facilities do you use while at the beach? I use the portable toilets at the public beach access I use washrooms in local restaurants I use washrooms at cottage/home I never use the portable toilets I use more “natural” locations What do you do with your garbage/trash while visiting Ipperwash Beach? Use available garbage receptacles Take it home with me or back to cottage Use more “natural” solution What kind of vehicle do you use when visiting Ipperwash Beach? Non-motorized (walk or cycle) Car/SUV Motorcycle Pickup truck Minivan Camper Would you be in favour of paid parking at Ipperwash Beach to pay for improvements to amenities and services for beach goers? Yes No If paid parking was instituted at Ipperwash, how much would you be prepared to pay? Up to $10/day Up to $20/day Up to $30/day More than $30/day What improvements you would like to see at Ipperwash Beach. More garbage receptacles More frequent garbage pick up More washroom facilities More parking facilities Parking solution for boat trailers More beach access points More bylaw enforcement Implement beach patrols Better signage concerning use of beach Better accessibility for disabled visitors More shopping and food options Have you ever had any private property owner ask you to leave the beach in front of their home/cottage at Ipperwash? Yes No Do you believe you have the right to enjoy a day at the beach on any part of Ipperwash Beach, even if in front of a private cottage? Yes No Tell us how you feel about your experiences at Ipperwash Beach.(up to 200 words)Stay Informed Yes, please keep me informed of updates No thank you. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA